
I'm sitting here making lists
They're my way of keeping things under control. I have a grocery shopping list, a list for other things we need to buy (new home stuff like a guest bed and a rake), and there's a long to-do list for this weekend. There's something so satisfying about crossing things off a list- you feel so self-satisfied and productive somehow.

I love reading lists too. When I see a blog post titled "5 ways to...", "7 ideas for...", "10 things that...", you can bet I'll click through and read it. I need to work on more list posts for this blog! Meanwhile, on this Friday night, here is a list of 10 inspiring and informative posts from other blogs that will leave you listless no more.

1. Tiny Buddha: 6 powerful questions that will change your life forever
2. The Simple Dollar: 100 things to do during a money-free weekend
3. Happiness Project: 7 ways to be happier at home
4. Apartment Therapy: 5 DIY play kitchens
5. Unclutterer: 8 ways to cut clutter from your communication
6. Young House Love: Momma's closet (7 tips)
7. The Kitchn: 15 tips for better weekly meal planning
8. Flypaper: 100 "must read" picture books
9. Apartment Therapy: 25 green cleaning recipes
10. Cooking with Siri: 100 favorite Diwali recipes

Are you as fond of lists as I am?


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