
I know
..I know, it has been nearly a month since my last post. It has been one of those crazy months when life just came at me at top speed and blogging was the first thing to be crossed off the list temporarily.

Our Dale bhu-bhu began showing some strange symptoms a couple of weeks ago. Since he is 9 years old now (quite possibly even older), we are realistic enough to expect some age-related health issues. Well, the poor puppy endured a fair bit of poking and prodding in his usual peaceful and stoic manner as his vet tried to diagnose what the heck is going on, and it turns out that he has a hormonal disorder called Addison's disease. We are taking it one day at a time a nd hoping he responds to the hormone replacement. By all accounts, this is something that can be managed so we are quite optimistic about Dale's health.

I'll be back with a real post in a couple of days. Meanwhile, here are my Daily Tiffin columns:
February: Dear Food Diary
March: Cutting-Edge Safety

Also, here is a look at what The Cooker and Mandira cooked up with their arusuvai surprises.

And to two sweet bloggers, Arundati and Seema, thank you for for sharing the " Nice Matters" award with cheered me up during this rather stressful month!


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